Increased Health and Safety Measures
1. Staff will follow all Government Health Authority measures. Staff will use the following guidelines in addition to the usual health and safety guidelines that were currently being observed/followed
a. When noted “spray” this is a solution of 2ml Noriquat to 1L of water or 16 ml lemonee to water 1L of water
b. All dishes will be washed using the bleach sanitization method
2. All staff are to wash their hands upon entering the building each morning, after coughing, sneezing, eating, and assisting the children with basic needs etc.
3. Staff will complete a self assessment check list daily
4. Staff will wear masks when talking to parents in/at the front hall entrance. Staff will wear masks when a 6-foot distance cannot be safely achieved between staff members. This includes the van, the office, and any other area where social distancing cannot be maintained. Staff are not required to wear a mask when interacting with children but may do if they so choose. Each staff member will be provided with 2 masks. Each staff member is responsible for washing their own mask after each use and storing them in a ziplock bag.
5. Staff will do a verbal health check to assess the children’s physical health and check off in the appropriate spot on the sign in sheet each day. (tick and initial)
6. Staff and children will have inside shoes – take their outdoor shoes off in the main entrance and put on their inside shoes or slippers before entering the main rooms
7. Staff will assist children with hand washing each time they are asked to do so, timing them for 20 sec.
8. Once hand washing/bath rooming is complete staff will spray down stall, toilet, sink, soap dispenser and paper towel dispenser
9. Staff will spray door handles, light switches, and all frequently touched surfaces regularly (after each transition)
10. Staff will spray inside and outside play surfaces and toys each night
11. Staff will spray all indoor play spaces – shelves and toys after each time frame of use
12. Staff will encourage social distancing as much as possible and minimize groups sizes as needed
13. Staff will set up snack and lunch tables with the least number of children possible at each table. Staff are to sit siblings at the same table if possible. Children will eat food from their own lunch kits only. All food will be provided from home. Milk will be provided for cereal and bottles
14. Staff will spray sleeping mats after each use
15. Staff will spray phone after each use
16. Any stuffies brought from home for nap are to be kept in the sleeping bin and not shared. Used for naptime only, no sharing or daytime use
17. No fieldtrips currently. Onsite visits are permitted outdoors
18. Staff will take the children outdoors as much as possible
19. Hand sanitizer is placed around the centre and in the front cubby area. Parents and visitors must sanitize upon entering the centre
20. All adults, parents, and visitors must wear a mask while inside the centre. Maximum of 6 people are permitted in the front hall at one time. Please adjust your drop off and pick up times to accommodate for waiting periods.
21. Please ensure that your child is at the centre for the minimal amount of time as possible. Please continue to pick up your child directly after your workday. Stops for gym, groceries, home to pre dinners etc should not be occurring at this time.
22. All Out of School Care children must wear a mask when in the daycare van.
23. All persons who have traveled outside of Canada are required to self isolate for 14 days and therefore cannot attend the childcare centre during this period.
24. Parents must adhere to a stricter illness policy – this Covid -19 illness policy is posted on the main doors. If a child shows even one symptom of Covid 19 staff are to send the child home (or the child should not attend daycare that day). Parents are to monitor their child for 24 hours and if the symptom persists or gets worse, or a second symptom occurs then the parent has 2 options. This includes a cold. Please always direct all medical questions to 811
A) Have the child tested for Covid-19, if the test is negative the child can return to childcare after being symptom free for 24 hours without the aid of medication
B) If the parent chooses not to have the child tested, they must stay home for 10 days or until symptom fee for 24 hours without the aid of medication, whichever is longer
If a child exhibits any symptoms at the centre the staff will
- Isolate the child in the back room and have one staff member assigned to that child
- Staff will provide the child with washable toys or equipment to occupy the child
- Staff will contact the parent to pick them up right away – note parents MUST get their child within a 1.5-hour time frame, any additional time will be subject to a $1 per minute late pick up fee
- Staff will maintain a 2-metre distance when possible
- Staff will wear a mask in the isolation area. Children who are old enough will also wear a mask in the isolation area
- Staff will provide the child with tissues, and support as necessary so they can practise respiratory hygiene.
- Staff will open outside doors and windows to increase air circulation in the area
- Staff will avoid touching the child’s body fluids, if they do, they must immediately wash their hands
- Once the child is picked up the staff will remind the parent of the current health and safety policy (see A/B above)
- Once the child is picked up the staff member will wash their hands and immediately disinfect the isolation area and any toys/equipment that were provided to or used by the child
** note that a runny nose has now been taken off the list of Covid symptoms for children. Kid’s Cottage Daycare Society will revert to our original policy as it pertains to runny noses. If a child has a runny nose that is impeding their participation in the program or is jeopardizing the health and safety of the rest of the group, they will be sent home until the symptom has eased and they are no longer a health concern.
25. All children and staff who have been in direct contact with a person with Covid 19 must self isolate as directed by the Health Authorities. Parents must contact the centre to discuss the procedure of isolation if a parent or member of the household has been directed by the Health Authority to self isolate
26. If a parent or household member has been directed by the Health Authority to self monitor, the child may attend childcare.
27. If a parent or household member is getting tested for Covid 19 the child must stay home from daycare until negative results have been obtained
28. All positive cases (parent, child or staff), or contact with positive cases, will be reported to us by the appropriate local health authority. At such time we will take all direction from the Health Authority. This could include a full closure of the centre. Parents will be informed of such closure and the length of closure, via email. Fees will be reimbursed or credited for the length of the temporary closure. Kid’s Cottage Daycare will contact licensing and the Prototype Funding Team to inform them of the closure and take any further direction from them.
29. If a child in the before and after school care child becomes sick at school, they will NOT be permitted to return to the centre.
30. If a staff member develops symptoms while at work and are unable to leave immediately, they must
- Separate themselves into an area away from others
- Maintain 2 metres distance form others
- Use a mask to cover their nose and mouth while they wait for a replacement
- Remaining staff must clean and disinfect the space where staff was separated, and any areas used any them
- Contact the local public health unit for testing
- A staff member with a negative test may return once symptoms are resolved
31. Management and the Board of Directors will keep parents and staff informed of any changes or updates as it pertains to the childcare program. As we are all learning to navigate through this pandemic we realize that the fall will bring new challenges, increased numbers of children requiring care and a new school procedure, we remind you that the board and staff are doing their best to stay on top of things. Abuse of staff or board members will not be tolerated. If your child is sent home due to possible illness or exhibits Covid symptoms, the update health procedures will be followed regardless of your work situation. We realize that this could create a massive challenge for many families (as well as the centre) and remind you that we continue to follow the direction that is given to us through all health authorities and public ministries including Work Safe BC and CDC.